Wednesday, March 29, 2006

I'm going on blog strike!!
For the next 2 weeks I shall not write a blog. Why you might ask? Because it seems like no one bothers to look at it! I don't write it for me, I already know this stuff.
What can you do?
Please write a comment to let me know if your still interested in checking in on this blog.

A bonus funny from Jacinda....
"Mommy I scraped my knee up at school when we were playing soccer!"
"Does it still hurt?" I asked her
"Not as bad as this afternoon when I did it!" she told me
"Was it bad?"
Her reponse," It hurt like the H word!"

Blog on!!!!!!

Saturday, March 25, 2006

Theories by Jared.......
"Mommy, you know how sometimes they discover animals they thought had been extinct for a long time?'
"Yes" I responded
"I don't know why, but for some reason, I think that the Dodo bird is still around! I don't know why, I just think that it is!"

Thursday, March 23, 2006

I'm just building up the hours!
My first week isn't even over and I'm almost halfway to a paid day off, pretty cool huh.
Last night I attended a partent teacher meeeting at my new centre, it was paid time, so I earned an hour and a half of over time. Today I went to sign for twenty minuts of overtime ( for swimming) and discovered that someone had changed my overtime from 1 1/2 hrs, to 3 hours. I didn't want to get in trouble for marking it down(because I had marked it down right) So I headed into my bosses office and said Renee did you change my over time hours? "Yes", she respondedWhen I asked why she said"you worked during part of your lunch, and the whole time from when you got off work untill the meeting started!" I had but told her I made that choice, not her. Renee's response and I maade the choice to pay you for it!"
Sounds like a nice place to work, doesn't it?


Wednesday, March 22, 2006

I love my new job!!!
I really have to say that I'm really happy at my new job, everyone talks to each other, and works together. My boss asks me 3 times a day if I like it there, and the children knew who I was before I even arrived( Iwas greeted by name by all the children and parents), even the parents have been going out of their way to ask me how I'm doing, and how my first few days have been. I feel more at home in three days then in three months at my other Centre. I really miss the children though, I hate leaving them. I guess you can't help it, when you work in childcare you get close to the kids. I miss some things too though like having a camera to take digital pictures with daily, and writing up bits about the children every day. I think I will start doing these things at the new centre because I enjoy them.
Jacinda and Jared have started swimming at school, they are loving it. Everyone is excited to go to Ottawa, the car is recieving a few repairs this week before that happens though, it needs to be drivable when we get home again. ( ha ha cross your fingers) Otherwise there is not much to write( everyone is safe, healthy, partially insane, but leagally mentally stable)
Well got to go

Saturday, March 18, 2006

Well thought I would type a bit. My new job starts on Monday and I'm very excited. On of the children from the centre that I'm leaving said I couldn't leave because she would miss my stories. I wrote and illustrated a book for them it was a story about all the kids in the class( all 28 of them) and had pictures of them all too! The parents were quite impressed by it the children would turn from page to page showing each other their pictures. Some said," I know who that is, it's Nicole"... while others said, "that doesn't look like Raymond his hair is flatter." If you ever need an honest critic ask a child. Well My last week ended up very nice I did not have to work with that bothersome person all week, if you want details call and I'll tell you. Well I should go now and spend some time with my sweetie( who has been smoke free since November, not one puff!)
Bye for now!

Monday, March 13, 2006

This was yesterday( ignore the date, I changed the batteries, and didn't reset it) at the Halifax commons. The playground is new(and already grafittied) But the kids have been excited to go. Every weekend when we have have time it was freezing. Yesterday however donned a beautiful day and around 10 degrees or more. I think the kids faces clearly show how much fun we had there. Poor Lee was sick as a dog, so we let him sleep a bit and brought him home some gingerale for his tummy.
Well , thats all for now,
lots of love

Saturday, March 11, 2006

I have to be honest, I can't wait for Pesach( Passover for those who don't know what I mean). It is our only chance to go up to visit our family in Ottawa, Ontario. We have a great family first there.s Lee's mom Bryna. People are not suppose to get along with their mother in laws, but I do. Them there are Lee's brothers Jason and Jeremy, who are married to Christine and Katherine. They are very kind hearted people who go out of their way to spend special time with Jacinda and Jared while they can. Jacinda and Jared still talk about their day trips with uncle Jason and auntie Christine ( they go to movies, and drive thru safaris) And they really enjoyed going to Spending time with Jacob in the giant, indoor playground that Katherine and Jeremy treated them to). then there is Jacob my nephew, kinda my only one (I have 2 I have never met, from my brother Anthony who I also have never met). Seeing as my two siblings have given me 7 neices, it is a little over whelming. We get to see Jacob only once in a while, but through pictures, and phone calls we stay close. Then there are Wesley, Arlene, Shimim and Avi. They are so sweet and easy going they let us crash in on them every year for a night, and smile the whole time. We have lots of family in Montreal who we miss( not too skip anyone). Last but not least are Myrna, Morrie and the whole managerie, we can't wait to see you guys!!!
I have nothing else to write about, no kvetching, but I wanted to write something.
See you guys soon
Love Jen

Saturday, March 04, 2006

As many may have heard, I gave my notice at work on Friday. It was a quick, but well thought out decision. It has a higher pay scale, is a permanent position ( not a contract), is closer to home, does not have rotating shifts, has more hours, parking, benefits, 15 paid sick days, yearly salary and vacation increases, and a yearly bonus. Sadly these are awesome, but not what made me search for a new job, have you ever worked with someone who made you feel like dirt? Well I have for almost 3 months, it has been uncomfortable enough that I brought it up to management. Management does not realize what's making me leave, and I am not going to bother to let them in on the secret, but here are some basic hints on ................
How not to make your coworkers feel like crap!
1) Actually make eye contact when they talk with you (even if it's only once in the whole damn month!)
2) Don't tell them they need to cut their break short so you wont have to cut yours short
3) If you need to do something on the shift your on, so they can complete something they are required to do, do it!
4) Remember to say thank you, or no thank you if they offer you help
5)Do not order them to do what you want, especially if your not the boss, even bosses usually act nice when ordering you around)

Signs that you are pissing off a co-worker
1)They have stopped talking to you if they can avoid it.
2)They are as excited about you going on vacation as you are!
3)When you get back from vacation they seem depressed.
4) Student teachers loudly state as you leave the room" what is her problem?"