As many may have heard, I gave my notice at work on Friday. It was a quick, but well thought out decision. It has a higher pay scale, is a permanent position ( not a contract), is closer to home, does not have rotating shifts, has more hours, parking, benefits, 15 paid sick days, yearly salary and vacation increases, and a yearly bonus. Sadly these are awesome, but not what made me search for a new job, have you ever worked with someone who made you feel like dirt? Well I have for almost 3 months, it has been uncomfortable enough that I brought it up to management. Management does not realize what's making me leave, and I am not going to bother to let them in on the secret, but here are some basic hints on ................
How not to make your coworkers feel like crap!1) Actually make eye contact when they talk with you (even if it's only once in the whole damn month!)
2) Don't tell them they need to cut their break short so you wont have to cut yours short
3) If you need to do something on the shift your on, so they can complete something they are required to do, do it!
4) Remember to say thank you, or no thank you if they offer you help
5)Do not order them to do what you want, especially if your not the boss, even bosses usually act nice when ordering you around)
Signs that you are pissing off a co-worker1)They have stopped talking to you if they can avoid it.
2)They are as excited about you going on vacation as you are!
3)When you get back from vacation they seem depressed.
4) Student teachers loudly state as you leave the room" what is her problem?"