Saturday, April 21, 2007

Is anyone on blogger anymore?

Her are some pics from our recent trip to Ottawa. We did not take pictures of everywhere we went , as some places did not let you take photos(like the Holocaust museum in Montreal). But we did take a few... enjoy

Here Jacinda and Katherine strike a pose! Isn't the hall huge (those are full sized totem pole behind them)

As you can see Jeremy and Jacinda are being their usual photogenic selves... At the Children's museum in Hull all of the kids take a spin on the bus..... Hey Jacob don't stand up untill the bus comes to a full stop!!
Wow! When did Jared become the Captian of the loveboat??? Well he is cute I guess they were trying to attract a younger, less uh senior crowd....
It's a bird, It's a plane, It's superman... no wait it's Jared's rocket heading into space!

You know people might think the kids were getting drunk, but this is a delicious non alcoholic carbonated rasberry drink. Jacinda and Jared don't mind a sip of wine on Shabbas(they loved the wine at Wes and Arlene's house....but maybe that should concern me...) but usually will avaiod it even if they are offered for ceremonial purposes.Watch out Ninja turtles heres comes the ninja twins, though as you can see by Jared's hand they come in peace!

We got to see some cool spinning tops at the children's museum, these ones have a wooden launcher and a string with a handle to pull, thank goodness the had instructions with pictures or we would have never figured out how to use
It's pictures like this that still let us see the strong family resemblence between Jared and Jacob(they have the same nose ) Their eyes are the biggest difference, Jared's are a vivid green while Jacobs are a rich brown.Pizza Pizza, last meal of bread befor Passover, last pizza at and un kosher restaurant....did I just hear a death knell go?

Wow Lee I know that you love the Ottawa Senators but wow, you really go all out when your getting ready to go to a live game! Just kidding ! This helmet was made by a family friend named Bill, he is awsome and has his own Armouring Guild that we visited and he taught us how he makes armor Feel free to check out his awsome web site here at the pictures are amazing. Thanks Billy and Brenda!

Here is a picture of Bill holding a heavy peice of armour he made up so Jacinda could get her picture taken, his study had swords helmets, and other amazing things you really should check out the site (
There are pics of Bill that make you think he should be Sir William of Ottawa.... it's like knight by night but mild manner Historian/ Armour craftsman by day, too cool.
Jacinda playing Dayenu( hmmm )
Well folks I hope you enjoyed the show, we had a great time with all of the family and friends , and had a few funny moments(all I have to say is I have a message for you BE Honest! lol too funny)
Love to everyone Jen

Sunday, April 01, 2007

I am


I am a turtle
Whose shell not only protects, but traps everything inside.
I sit here in my dark safe space
Nothing comes in, nothing gets out
No danger, no emotions, nothing
I keep danger out, but I keep love and understanding out as well

Is this the person I have become?
Who keeps others away
Do I make them fearful, to try and intrude on my solitude
Do I snap with cruel words to keep my shell intact?
To keep all of my inner self safe
A trutle, seems small, and insignificant, easily hurt.
But many others are afraid of it's bite, it still hurts...
Does my bite hurt?... Are others afraid of being bitten?
How can I tear down my shell while still protecting myself from hurt?
How do I let others in???
It's dark here
And lonely, I don't recongnize this thing I have become
maybe I can't find my true self in here because there is no light
Maybe the real me is lost in the dark
the suffocating, nothingness that it is

I hate the dark,
true darkness has no stars to see by
nothing to give hope to a soul trapped
I want to see the stars again