Poor pedestrians!!
More and more all I hear on the news, in the papers, or on the radio(and right outside my window) is about pedestrians being hit by vehicles. Two within days, were less then a block from my window(right where I am sitting now) two separate people were hit(at least one died) directly across the street from one another. The lastest is a 14 year old girl named Kaitlyn Murray who was walking to cheerleading practice, then got struck in a crosswalk........ The press writes in today's paper about how horrible this tragedy is(which it really is) under the article is a photo of that crosswalk...(in the photo a young boy who is probably 11 waits to cross the street at the crosswalk while a police car goes by so fast that it is actually blurry, and not to long ago police hit a young girl in a crosswalk, though she was supposedly at fault) The person who hit Kaitlyn was an 87 year old and got a ticket for 300+ dollars for failing to give the right of way to a pedestrian, is that the cost af a human life lately? When will the government get it through their heads that you should have to retest for your liscense as you get over the age of 65. It's not mean, it is just nature, your body's reflexes slow, your eyes get worse...it's not a personal attack, it's how the body works...It's why we don't let 12 year olds drive cars, they have great hand eye co-ordination, but they aren't able to drive!!!
Police make it sound like everyone else is at fault, when we all are, using cellphones, doing our make up, eating food, drinking coffee, etc, etc, these things all prevent your eyes from being on the road, please drive carefully.
(I hope the cops got a ticket for failing to yeild the right of way to a pedestrian just like the person who killed Kaitlyn Murray)
Love Jen