Monday, March 05, 2007

My eyes are open, but my ears are shut!!!

person who enjoys singing as much as I do.

My kids are , well how do I put this lightly......
absolutely, horrifyingly, no possible doubt to it....tone deaf!

I'm speechless.
I knew that when I married that my kids would inherit traits from both sides of our families, but sheesh if I had know about this I may have reconsidered(just kidding)
It's a good thing they are so damn cute, because unless they are trying for a test of the emergency bradcast system, then they are headed up the wrong alley.

Well beautiful looks and charm will have to do it for them, along with a insane talent for memorizing pokemon facts( what is wrong with that kid anyhow...if only those creatures were real we would all be rich!!!)

We'll I will continue to support their love of music, if not their questionable talent....
Signing off for now(no not off key...not me


Blogger Amanda said...

Haha it so funny cuz its true! Clearly the singing was taken from the Solomon side of the gene pool LOL

March 05, 2007  

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