Friday, March 09, 2007

True beauty

This was written last night by Lee's youngest sister Elizabeth(who happen's to be a beautiful girl by any standard's)

She had to write this for a school essay , I am posting it here, so everyone I know can comment on it, and write down something they think is beautiful, no matter what it is.

To me beauty is watching your child asleep and totally at peace, a tender moment wrapped in my Husbands arm's, or looking at a wonderful work of art and realizing someone created it with their own two hands. But beauty is different to us all let me know if your ar impressed as I was......

The word beauty can mean a lot of different things for a lot of different people. For me, beauty is fairly simple and to the point, it is anything that is pleasant for the senses or for the heart. In this essay, I’m going to write some things that I think are beautiful; this will help you understand my definition of beauty a little better.Girls spend hours fixating upon their looks, their personalities and their actions because it might help the boys they like to notice them. There are girls who flirt, laugh, worry and obsess over the slightest glance, whisper and touch. There are girls that fake up and make up. Girls are beauty.Beauty is getting comforted just right, someone saying just the right words and being loved in just the right way. It’s a friend who provides a comforting hug and a supportive audience for a story they've heard a thousand times. Beauty is in people who laugh loud and often. It’s in people who have never been in love, but know that it's an experience that they don't want to miss out on.There is always that boy who leans close, stands near and talks softly because he thinks you’re beautiful inside and out. Beauty is the hugs you receive as you watch the sunrise the next morning after failing to sleep. It is your first crush and your first true love. Beauty is found in music and the lyrics that make us cry, laugh and sing along. It is the smile a child gets while blowing out their birthday candles each year.Beauty is waterfalls, wild flowers and new fallen snow. It’s in the air that we breathe, the ground that we feel and the birds that we hear. Beauty is staying in because of a rainstorm and then watching the rainbow appear afterwards. It’s in the eyes of a child holding their favorite teddy bear when they’re scared.What would the world be like if no one cried, lied and they all swallowed their pride? The world entierly would be beautiful. So I ask of you one thing, don’t let the media or other people tell you how to dress, act or feel. You are your own person, and no one can change that. People need to understand that they aren't perfect, that no one is. Beauty isn’t about being perfect; it’s about being you. Everyone is perfectly imperfect. Life is Elizabeth Solomon
date: March 08, 2007


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The essay reminds me of the tagline for a (short) anime Chris and I are watching, called Kino's Journey: "The world is not beautiful; therefore, it is."

The only other random line I know from it is less perfectly contained, but I like it: "Yes, this world is beautiful and shining. It calms and softens my soul. Even if this proves that my soul is funny, or crazy, or broken. Even so, it makes me happy to believe this. I want to treaure the present, when I can believe this."

March 09, 2007  
Blogger Amanda said...

I've already told both Jen and Bethy this but this is such a mature essay and it brought tears to my eyes. Very insightful for a 16yr old. Good to know that while the Solomon gene keeps us from singing on key at least some of us can write. LOL

March 09, 2007  

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