Well we all know that there are 2 reasons that we don't update our blogs: A) Nothing of interest is happening or
B) Your so busy that you don't have the time to sleep, let alone post a new blog.
Well for me it's B this time, my week has been crazy painting the daycare, planning our annivasary(that I think may actually be great for a change) Being the chair of the fundraising commitee for the preschool, doing progress reports, redesigning my classroom( with Kim my co teacher) Applying to the co-op, Doctoring my mother's cat(U2)and attending the Dixie Chicks concert(we had floor seats, it was very awsome) and trying to be a member of the family(they have not disowned me yet( thankfully).
For those of you who have been hearing about these murals I will provide you with some pics right now...

This one is over many walls in the bathroom
And this one is in the junior preschool room.

I also have to mention some things that I have been thinking on
Krista( signs on a Ty's mom, goodness is he cute!) I told you that I would mention how awsome your garage is. Anyone who lives in the HRM take you car to these people at Laurie's Complete Automotive they are awsome, don't charge you craptacular prices, and get you your car pretty dang fast( I have waited as long a 3 weeks at some places). Want a second opinion about them call C.A.A and they will tell you good stuff too!)
Some perspective on life....You rush through your day trying to get stuff done, but if you want someone to show you how to sit back and smell the roses, take 3 kids shopping for dish soap(lmao) I never would have imagined how this would go(especially the boys) they compared smells and color, lables( sunlight has one with water on it!) And they voted, after about 20 minutes they agreed on a palmolive that smells a bit like the ocean. Go figure.....the things children will find interest in huh!!
If you ever want to change you perspective for the day start by having a shower in the dark( we had no power upstairs due to a blown fuse, and I had no choice) Makes you apprieciate how someone with no vision may find things a hassle if they are not in the exact right place.....
I guess that's it for now. Sorry for the randomness of this blog but that's the way I wrote it, read it or don't(ha ha if you got this far it's already to late for you!!!)
Lots of love everyone
(P.S I can't wait to go whale watching, Lee already bought the tickets !! It is something I have wanted to do my whole life!!2 weeks till I do it!Isn't he sweet?)