Teachers Today!!!!!
I find myself getting very frustrated at the public school system. If I could afford private school , I would do it because the rediculous things my children have to put up with in the classroom. Jared has been in school for almost 4 years now, and with the exception of him being a bit rough( and loud) when he started primary, we have not had any behaviour problems.
Almost daily we get a note from his teacher that says "Jared was unsettled today, or he had a bad day because he couldn't sit in his chair. He had trouble and sharpened 3( not 3 or 2) pencils down to a nub today.
On a good day it might say" Jared had an okay day today." but never any details. His teacher is not happy with his work because he rushes through then is bored and fidgits at his desk( which distracts other kids) His work is messy, but right....
Even for example when Jared works his butt off doing a project for class, and hands it in early......Not even a comment to tell him good job. I am starting to feel annoyed. How fair is it to pick on a child (and yes everyone who knows Jared , knows he fidgits it's in his D.N.A) for every little thing, but not even comment when he works so hard. What ever happened to positive reinforcement? To rewarding children with praise when they accomplish something that they find challenging. It seems to me that Jared can never please this woman. The public school system is really starting to get on my nerves.....
Thanks for letting me vent
I'll write more on this matter.....