During the whole Hilary Duff concert and meet and greet that we went to, I couldn't help feeling what the heck is going on in Hollywood. Look at these women, They are famous, millionaires, they never have to work another day of their lives to be able to survive financially. Is all that worth what they are doing to themselves. Years ago eating disorders were not acknowledged, they were ignored and covered up, only spoken about behind closed doors. But today things are different, these people became famous through talent, and hard work, and yet they suddenly feel as if they are good enough the way they are. I do not understand how they can think that these shadows of their former selves could possibly be an improvement on the way they were. I think that we should start the S.P.C.A.C
the society for prevention and cruelty of actors and celebreties. If a person can be arrested for not feeding their pets( which they definately deserve) Then why can't managers, security guards and agents or whoever......be arrested for not watching out for the welfare of these young women. Every time society brings in another young person who seems to have their act together, WHAM, they become unrecognizable. My daughter sees these girls, idolizes them, and mimics their movies. At this point, my daughter ( who is a bit on the solid side) has the ultimate view on weight. I was so proud to hear her response to someone a while back when they suggested Jacinda not have a second cookie because too many sweets could make her fat, she responded "I don't care."
Imagine if she could take that view with her for life, she would be steps ahead of the rest of the world. Alas this is before puberty, boys and highschool, these things will take a drastic toll on her self esteem and her view on herself. She will try to change herself,to conform to society's views. I am also not ignorant enough to say these same things wont effect my son, though it may not be as common, boys still suffer from eating disorders, and every human can suffer from low self esteem. It will be a hard job to keep my children seeing the good in themselves, and the flaws around us. I am just shocked that society works so hard to rip away all that we try to instill in our young minds. It wasn't so long ago when size 14 was considered curvy and gorgeous. Curves are womanly, bones are, well....... disgusting. Have you ever seen a guy look at a skeleton in biology and say "humm look at the humerous on her, or a girl say her spine is to die for, I doubt it (if you have I hope you have cut off communication with those individuals). I hope that history repeats itself, and women like the Venus D'milo and Marylin Munroe are agian the epitome of beauty.
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