Elizabeth, oh Elizabeth, Wherefore art thou Elizabeth?

This is Elizabeth, Isn't she pretty? Some people think she is merely a phantom, a figment of our imagination. We say that she is our sister, but as she is never here I thought I would post a picture of her to prove that she is flesh and bone( not a made up person).
Beth( her nickname) has a blog, no seriously, she really does here is the link to it so you can check it out http://beth-on-the-net.blogspot.com/ Don't go expecting up to date info though, info is a rare thing from beth.
Some might be wondering why I am writing this blog about Beth. I am doing it soley to get her to actually comment on my blog, and am trying to shame her into it.....I wonder will it work
Heck I'll settle for an update on her blog, I'm not asking for much( just write a few letters , are you still breathing?, do you have all of your limbs? Are you an organ donar??
Well that it I guess , I will be upadating regarding the maybe house in a few days....
Lots of love, Happy new year and all that jazz..........
Love Jen
(love ya beth....)
heck all I need is a comment now and then, I will do this again to you(with worse picture!!) If it wikk helpp me get comments!!!
Lol love ya!
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