Tuesday, January 09, 2007

So pissed off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have to be honest and say this, What the hell is the point of having a blog, if nobody bothers to comment? Do people really think I do this for my own pleasure? At this point it seems that I do this blog for Amanda and Ysa( and somtimes my sister) I know people visit, I see the counter, and many people say I read it, but I don't comment( mom this is aimed at you!) I don't care who you are I make the effort to write it for all of you, the least you can do is type a few simple words, or even a witty remark. It annoys me sooo much! I am also annoyed by people who used to ask me to read thier blogs, but who never update them......................... I get that we are all busy ( I have two jobs guys, and raise my kids, and occasionally donate my time, or paint murals) but I still make the time to write a simple blog.

Is it too much to ask?
Hell no!
It can be done very easily for example
while you enjoy your morning coffee
while your kids sleep
while your show is on a commercial break
while avoiding chores...
While avoiding people...
while talking on the phone
while sitting at home on a rainy day
while the power is out(if you have a lap top lol)
while folding laundry(fold, type, fold, type...)
while you listen to the hockey game
while you avoid listening to a hockey game( that's for me lol)
while watching the snow fall
while patting your cat( dog, mouse, turtle, phirannah, whatever)
while washing the clothes
while talking to your boss
while taking a break from work
while you are up at 3 am annoyed by drunk neighbours
while making supper
while smoking a ciggarette
while getting mad at someone for smoking a ciggarette
while throwing their dam ciggaretts out the window
while singing Hymns
while commiting mail fraud
while downloading illeagal pirated software
while reporting someone for downloading pirated software
while listening to your ipod
while gambling your life away online
while pondering the relationship between Grisholm and Sarah(what's up with that?)
while (after downloading pirated spftware) you run Norton Anti virus to get rid of the virusses you downloaded instead(oops)
while talking to a love one
while trying to ignore your 11 year old playing violin upstairs
while home sick(what else are you going to do.... really... what else)
while your superintedant fixes your sink(gross is that what was clogging the drain? ewwww)
while waiting for e-mails
while watching items on E-Bay
while loosing that item to another bidder
while watching Mythbusters
while laughing hysterically at Dane Cook(Superman!!)
while wondering why you smell burning when....oh dang that was supper
while wondering what to comment on somone elses blog
while chatting on MSN
while wondering what is wrong with your blog since you upgraded to the newer version
while waiting for your sweetie to call from work(love you Lee, who also never comments)
while figuring what else to add to this stupid list to make other people realize there really is no excuse not to write in their blogs, or to comment on someone elses!

Well thats about it!
your Truly agitated friend and family member,


Blogger Monica said...


I just found your blog because it is next to mine, and I really enjoyed reading it. I am with you because I get very annoyed when I visit my blog to see the comments of my posts and I realise that there are no comments :-(
Im afraid you may wont be able to read mine because its in spanish!


January 09, 2007  
Blogger Jen said...

Thanks Monica, I actually checked it out, I'll see what I can do about the Spanish (lol)
Thanks for commenting..
and for proving that even a stranger who does not know me can take the time to comment on a blog!!1
Muchas Gracias Monica

January 09, 2007  
Blogger Jen said...

and thats why I added your name to the list my dear , I don't mind that people only comment on some blogs, not every blog appeals to every person, and some are simply comments. What I mean are people who go on and on , forever and ever between comments, or worse people who tell me how much the loved the blog I wrote about this or that, but they never bothered to comment on my blog about it. As for family, I kind of have 4.
The family right here (Lee, mee the kids, Amanda and mom)
My family, (you Chris, grandparents, Aunts and Uncles)
Lee's family in Ottawa and Montreal as well as here
Chosen Family, Like Chris and Ysa, Myrna and Morrie, and other close people who are not blood relatives Our fanilies are in many sections, and rarely ever mix, so it's hard to make sure that everyone is included. I will make sure that I throw in a few more posts about everyone( some just for the girls so they can get involved a bit)
Love Ya big sis!

January 09, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well I didnt know the URL untill I read your MSN name, so I have a legitimate excuse. Futhermore, that comment about online gambling addictions is offensive. And by offensive, I mean fantastic.

January 09, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

. . . your blog has a counter? *blinks*


January 09, 2007  
Blogger Amanda said...

I'm the good one :D
*sticks her tounge out at everyone else * just kidding, sorta LOL

January 09, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

well I'm glad you vented. I hope it helpped. I try to look every so often, but I generally have nothing to add, so I don't.

January 10, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jenny I promised that I would leave a comment on your blog and here it is... That was probely the funniest blog you have ever written I really enjoyed it....Love you baby lee

January 11, 2007  
Blogger Jen said...

It'a almost Enough, I am still waiting for Naomi, Jeremy, Jasron Katherine , Bryna or anyone elso who might happen by
hee hee

January 11, 2007  
Blogger Unknown said...

ah you guys are awesome. love ya :D

January 11, 2007  
Blogger Unknown said...

ah you guys are awesome and I love ya

January 11, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

a few words or witty remark lol im sorry i dont comment so her is my comment you guys are the best for updating your blog and i love you guys hope to see u in April gtg ciao

January 14, 2007  
Blogger Jen said...

Well ma here's your chance to prove that you do read the blog, your's is one of the few comments missing.

January 15, 2007  
Blogger Jen said...

lol....it's coming actually, but Jared is sick tonight, so it might have to wait a little longer
hee hee

January 17, 2007  

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