Hospitals and holidays....
Well last night I thought I was having a re run of three years agom but this time with my mom. She called me at work( sonething she never does) and asked if I could stop by the local clinic on the way home from work. She didn't give details when I asked why, but when I asked if she was having chest pains, she said yes, really bad ones. I later found out that she had pains, pins and needles in her arms, and had been walking around banging into walls( she had no balance). The clinic sent her to emerg after giving her some nitro( which helped a lot)Then we waited for hours for test results. Finally she is home now, with a perscrition for nitro( that she had before, but let lapse because she never had to use it) This lead me into a pet peeve of mine.
Pet peeves.....
1) people who are sick, say how much they want to get better then don't bother to go see thir doctor's, or to take medical advice.
2)The song Frosty the snowman(I can never get the lyrics right)
3) Animal haters(need I say more)
4) people who think about themselves before anyone else( I've been guilty of this once or twice, we all have)
5)My own inability to make baked goods look as good as they do on the box( don't laugh)
6) Cigarette makers
You know this list could go on and on if I wanted.
How about you what are your pet peeves?
Write em down
:/ I hope your mom's ok! *hugs*
Thankfully Pat is just fine now. As for my pet peeves...tardiness. I'm not kiddin'. I hate being late. It drives me up a wall.
I also hate people giving pets as gifts!
Katherine, you must hate my posts. lol
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