This is what Jacinda's new violin looks like(except her case lining is bright blue). Kind of a pink peach color. Jacinda really wanted a colored one, however her teacher has had some students with problems with this type of violin. But it has a 6 month warrenty and only cost 40 dollars more then the rentals. So we decided that we would buy her this one to do for the next few years, then if she stays dedicated to it we will buy her a more expensive one(maybe in High school) and now she can have one to play all summer long.
Well I'm sure that you have noticed that it has been a while since I posted, our computer is been across the country more times in a month then I have been in years. Our anniversary was awsome, we got lots of sun, and walkded all over downtown Halifax. We went whale watching twice, only to have the whales elude us with their silly whale tricks. Each time as we headed off on a boat we were informed how another boat just saw a whale, so we were going there, but still no whales.
Fishing was entirely different, we saw birds, seals, and caught lots of fish, tried out our sea legs(or discovered sea legs could abandoned you when the water got too rough)
Sorry that I have not posted a picture of the car , but our camera is messed up, so it might takes a while to get one up here.
Notes to go out ......
Jeremy I can't post on your blog anymore!
Myrna your newsletter rocks, keep up the good work
Avi I am sooo glad your safe(do you have to go back to Dawson College, you could transfer)And we were worried about you getting hurt in Isreal!
Elizabeth feel free to comment on my blog sometime!
Naomi, way to go on the new job.
Amanda, you keep working hard at work no matter how much they mess with you, I'm proud of how you are handling it, cause I would be kicking some callus a**.. uh butt.
Ysa how is the unpacking going?
Michelle(my sister) You are the best cook I know thanks for dinner!
As for everyone else,
I love you all.