In the last week I have gotten a more in depth view into some of the customs behind some of the high holy days.
As most of you know I love Judaism for many reasons, the faith the culture, the way of life, and for the sense of peace it gives me. As I explore furthur into it, I really know that I made the right choice for myself, and my life. As many people know I grew up Catholic, and was never very comfortable with it, in fact I was always very uncomfortable.
However in the years since I have made the choice to start conversion, and to make Judaism a part of my life, I keep seeing more and more why it drew me.
The sevices that I attended most recently were a Selichot service, where my excited nine year old learned that G-d does not expect perfection from him( because he is human after all) but for him to try and do better then the year before , by trying not to repeat sins that he has already done.
But the Tashlich service made me want to cry. It was simple, not minced with words, but it talked about the symbolism of throwing the bread into the sea, to demonstrate that chet can be separated from our lives. I stood by the ocean casting my sins from me, with the wind and the mist all around me blowing me hair all over. Even though I was surrounded by others doing the same thing as me, As I looked over the ocean I was alone, and no one was there but me and G-d. I read the suggested verses from Micah and Isaiah, but found that I had my own words of thanks for all that I had and for Hashem helping me to be a better, stronger person.
More then ever I see (and more importantly feel how this is beshert)
To all of my family celebrating Rosh Hashanah amd Yom Kippur I hope you have an easy fast, and don't forget to let the ones you love know how much they mean to you.

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