For those who have been wondering this is what our new car looks like(our is a 2006 though and this is a 2007) But this is the color , type and everything.

I have been really busy working, and trying to get a jump on some fundraising stuff for the preschool( I have to thank my sister michelle, she let me use her as a sounding board) I was very surprised the other day by my husband( besides the fact that he has been working lots of over time to keep things running smoothly with the new car) Lee bought me a part lite gift of some gorgeous blue Hannukah tea lights. For those of you who are wondering why I have not been postings any pictures, it's because our camera bit the dust on our anniversary(it fell out of my purse) If anyone is updating their digital camera and needs a home for their old one feel free to send it over,,,,(I miss my camera) I have soo much on my plate... The kids now know the whole Alef-Bet, and now we are starting on vowels. Jacinda is keeping up with her violin practice and both kids are getting busy. One of the reasons that I am updating is because my sister has started to visit my blog, and I thought I'd give her something new to read.
Love you Michelle
Hugs to all the girls...(hope this is spelled right) Megan, Hannah, Abigail, Sarah ans Ruth I miss you all
Love Jen
Hehe... Mana loves the new car =D
You all should see the CD collection in there...between Jen, Lee and myself, it's got a little of everything. Some rock for Lee....pop for Jen...and me with my rap/ country, depending on the day.
(Hey, the rest of us read, too. ^^)
Glad it sounds like most of the happenings are good--blah about the camera, though. :/
Yes, and you are one of my most dedicated reader's Ysa. :)
Hopefully a house will come up at the coop and then things will really be on the up for us...
Jen(signing on as Amanda as my computer is out for repair again!)
love ya all
Not bad just missed the h in Meghan, talk to you soon!
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