Welcome Oreo!!!!
Well here is the newest member of the Solomon family. Her and Pesch are actually getting along pretty well. The first day Pesch hissed at her, but Oreo looked at her and walked away without a care in the world. Since then things are going fine. Oreo walks and Pesch follows. Other interesting things happening .....Jacinda performed her first public violin performance at the Halifax Forum, she did great. Both kids went to their first dance ( and danced a slow dance!) Jared's 9th birthday is on the way. My work is great, I am going to be painting the whole place with murals (my boss and co worker Susan also got kittens) Lee's work continues to suck...... for the most part everything is going great!
Well type again soon
Jacinda getting warmed up before her perfromance on Tuesday May 16th,2006
Kitten! *envy*
I'm glad Jacinda's performance went well. *^^*
*hugs to all*
That violin is no easy task to play. I sounded like a dying animal of some sort when I tried it lol.
How am I over there every other day and not know about this dance thing, where was I? Maybe I should pick up an extra hockey stick to beat off those boys. Blonde hair, blue eyes....Jacindas teen years are gonna be big headaches for us family members lol.
Jared is gonna be a heartbreaker too...but he's a tough kid he can beat the girls off or just out run them. Soccer players have that running thing down.
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