I want a kitten!!!!
I hate to annoy my husband, but I really want a kitten. I know that Lee doesn't like them much, but think about it for a minute from my point of view. I grew up surrounded by animals, and I feel like my house is empty. I liked having to step over the dog to catch the rabbit, while shooing the cat off the birds cage! And about a year ago at this time I had a house full in half the space I have now. All I have now is Pesch (who I love) But even she is lonely. I'm not asking for a baby(though I wouldn't mind!!) all I want is a small ball of fur. It could be a bonus, I could play with it while the rest of the family watches hockey, heck you guys could watch all the hockey you want. Last time I got a kitten, I had to beg and beg. This time I would like one for nothing except for the fact that it would make me really happy. If the family could vote it would be a 3 to 1 vote in favor of a new addition. Sorry hon, I'm not trying to annoy you... It's funny because I know that you would eventually give in and let me have it, even if you resent it and me, but I don't want to do that. I can vent my feelings here.
I guess I'll just dream............
P.S I like the black and white one in the first photo, and the grey and white one in the second, but they are all cute!
Kittens! *_* *wants*
cute cats!!! I think you should get them... get them all!
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