Saturday, December 31, 2005

I think everyone has a moment when they are going about their regular day, minding there own business, and another human being does something that sends them reeling in total shock making them think they are in a time warp.
I had one of those moments today. I guess you could call it my first encounter with either a really ignorant person, or an anti semetic person. Read this and decide for yourself......
I was walking in the grocery store with my munchkins. We had just finished some last minute shopping for the eighth night, and mailed off a small package to Jacinda's friend Patty in Australia. We were scanning the ground beef when a woman beside us stated, "wow that's a lot of stuff you've got( and spying the roll of wrapping paper sticking out of our other shopping bags adds.)" what's that for, Christmas is over?" Not that it was her business but being polite as I could muster, I pointed at the rather obvious menorahs on the wrapping paper. It is for Chanukkah,I told her, and I have to buy a lot of stuff It has to last a few weeks untill my next pay. I said this with a smile because I have met some people who actually have no idea what Chanukkah is. The lady replies"Oh you must be a smart Jew, I used to be paid every two weeks when I was a school teacher it was easy to budget, but now that I am retired and only get money once a month I find it so hard, I could use a smart Jew like you to help me."....

I have to be honest and say I was absolutely speechless, so much so that I made no response. I think I was stuck wondering if she spoke like that on purpose, or by accident. Either way I think I understand why she was no longer a school teacher. Please comment I'm interested to hear what you have to say on this matter.

Friday, December 30, 2005

Along with holiday celebrations come the ever popular Christmas concerts. Here is Jacinda showing of all her hard work with her violin. We have heard her practice at home, and let me tell you, I never thought it would sound as terrific as it did, she worked so hard.
Besides holiday fun we have been enjoying hockey. Guess which team we support......I bet you can get it right first try.

Jared proudly supports his daddies team, but don't ask him abut Toronto, he hates their hockey team so much that he seems to think everything associated with Toronto is bad!

As Chanukkah celebrations continue, but we offer a word of warning. Watch out for the flames, a few years ago when Jacinda was small, she caught her curls on fire while admiring the candles a bit to close. This year we learned of a new danger... Pets! Our cat, whose name is T'pesch( not sure if I'm spelling it right, but it is supposed to be Hebrew for stupid), loves the menorah with flames or without, we have to keep her away from it or this happens.... But then she is not been known for being normal, after all we picked her because she seemed insane as a kitten. (I apologize the date on the camera was not reset when I changed the batteries this was taken 3 nights ago)

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Well Chanukah is here and it's time to rejoice!!!
Jacinda and Jared are super happy that the holidays are here. They lit up the menorah last night and watched the candles glow while Auntie Amanda looked on. It really brings home how much we miss our family, Bubbi, Jason and Christine, Jeremy , Katherine, Jacob , Myrna and Morrie, Wes , Arlene, Shimone,and Avi ....... ( and Besch too!) Well holidays are family times, so when your family is mostly's just not right. We will have to keep you posted on what the children get( Jacinda and Jared had tons of fun making volcanoes and Kalidascopes, and Jacinda loves the fur real puppy she has been asking for for 2 years. On the eighth night , or the day after, I will post pictures of the kids opening their big gifts( Jared got a t.v and a nintendo game cube, and Jacinda got a c.d player a new cabage patch doll for her collection, and will recieve her Hilary Duff concert tickets!)
Lot of love from all of us....Happy Holidays
Jen, Lee, Jacinda and Jared( and the kitty too)

Friday, December 16, 2005

Well it's official, I no longer work at Kinderville Preschool. I start my new job on Monday. Starting a new job really sucks, but the parents made me feel great they got me cards and presents, and told me they would miss me soooo much. I can't say the same for the Daycare though, not even a card to say thanks for the hours of work you did at home, the wasted weekends and countless favours you did for us. The parents made me want to stay, but after tonights staff Christmas party, I'm glad I'm going. I felt horrible. Only one staff( our cook ) came over to say a private good luck, I felt like everyone else couldn't have cared that I was going, way to bring someone down when they are already unsure of their decision to change jobs........................ A piece of advice, always let people know how much you apprieciate them, take a minute and say good luck, wasting a second of your time can make someone elses day.
Thanks for letting me vent..

Monday, December 12, 2005

Go Danni!

Danni Won Survivor Guatemala!

All in favor say Aye........Aye!
Well I was happy as long as it was not Stephanie. Gary was our shinning hope. Then we thought Rafe's not so bad. Then we didn't care but we didn't think Stephanie deserved it, who really gets another chance and has the right to win? I mean hey she failed the first time, and it's not like she's Rupert or anything. I was surprised that Stephanie and Bobby John lasted as long as they did. It was a season long pity trip for Steph. Sigh and now it's over....Does anyone know when the next season will begin? I'm starting to suffer withdrawl already. ( thank goodness I still have the Amazing race!)
Over and out

The Maritimes are back in the pluses today, the sun is doing it's best to peek through and melt the snow. We got a good view yesterday of our tax dollars at work. Every 5 minutes a bobcat (a small tractor used to clear the side walks and edge the street) drove by, sometimes 2 crossed at the same time. Now at this point on Sunday night it had been 8 degrees all day and the snow had melted down to the sidewalk. The bobcats were driving past for hours, with their plows up!
Makes you wonder.......

Friday, December 09, 2005

Wow, another post are you not impressed! The kids are well as is the animal. Lee has some high hopes for the Senators this year, go Team!
Jared would also like hid daddy's team to win. It is currently snowing for the first time this winter, adding to the beauty of the holiday season, we are expecting 2-5 centemeters, I think that is all we need for the whole winter. Wouldn't it be nice if the world was a snow globe, not a lot of snow but we can still enjoy watching it fall every now and then. Check back later.

Jenn and the whole fan-damily.

P.S Can you tell from this photo why we had to get rid of the budgie birds?

Thursday, December 08, 2005

Well, We jumped on the blog band wagon. Lee's brother Jeremy and Katherine his wife, started a Blog, and it is really pretty neat so I figuered lets try it. But anyone who knows us knows we are not good at writing on a consistant basis. This will be a trial. Wish us luck!!!

To start here are some pictures of then and now of Jacinda and Jared, That is Jacinda at her 10th birthday party!!
and curiosity about to kill our cat Tepesch!