Deciding for yourself..

Hi y'all!
We as parents try to raise upstanding members for our future communities. We try to instill a balance of righteousness, self preservation, honor and respect in our children. We do this hoping that our children will not grow into thugs, or criminals. but into useful, working members of society, who may try to do the same with their own children. This does not come easy, and with each generation it becomes more difficult. Letting your children walk to school, or go out with their friends is becomming a thing of the past, or a frightful nail biting experience. A few months ago(around my birthday) a young girl Jacinda's age went missing. she was at a mall with her mother, and stormed off when they got into an argument, that child promptly dissapeared.
See everyone after the storm!
I am posting this blog because I found an old friend with the help of facebook! It's amazing isn't it? The kids are doing well. We are back into our old routine with work and school. We are waiting on the arrival of a new puppy!!! who should be born any day.. We are getting a golden retriever puppy, yeah me!!
Here is Jarede chillin out at his Cabin. (what a cutie)
Here is Jacinda with one of her friends ( Tamar and Jacinda)
Jacinda is on the far right of the picture
Jared is the monkey in the middle looking backwards(I think this was at Maccabiah games)
Jacinda looks like she's a model posing over the railing like that!
Well if people actually comment this time I will post again!
If you want to check out something funny please check out this blog!
She is sooo funny!
Born before 1980?