20 days left!!!
The countdown has officially begun. In 20 days I will be middle aged, and the world as I know it will change. Sure.... many people who are older then 30, (and you know who you are) are saying ,"Jennifer your still so young". But middle age symptoms are starting to creep in. I have started to forget things, for instance did I really say I would take my kids to a movie, or are they pulling the wool over my eyes............when you are not sure if you said something or if your brilliant offspring are taking advantage your failing mental capacities, then it is time to look at your life. I have started leaving things in odd places, so to prevent losing everything but the kitchen sink, I have started trying to keep things super organized. This has had it's downfalls of course, because now my husband thinks I'm insane, every time something is out of place I can't seem to relax until I put it where it belongs for fear that I'll forget where it is.
Well maybe I'm streching the truth a bit, so far I've only misplaced my keys, and I did say I'd take the kids to a movie. Thats okay because I heard that exaggerating is another thing middle aged people do.
I'll write again soon.
Well I speak no evil ..
Actually Avi and I finally got to corresponding, My email said it couldn't send out but then it still got to him.
Love you all
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