Well here's the news.....
Last night was the Hilary Duff concert, and Jacinda had a great time, we did get pictures too but I think Jacinda had a better time before the concert. We were going to dinner near the Halifax Metro Centre(at Scotia Square) And decided to see if by last minute any better tickets had been added or returned.
While we were there the winners of the Zellers contest were there going in for a sneak preview to hear Hilary Duff sing a few songs for her sound check, those children were going to get their pictures taken with the star. After everyone had gone in An employee, who shall remain unidentified, was getting ready to close up the door. I approached said employee and said look I know we didn't win, but is their any chance someone wasn't able to make it, or that you may have room for two more, you would absolutley make her life if she got to meet Hilary Duff. The employee smiled and said that they would check, after all the worst that could happen was they would say no right! The employee said they would return, and after a few minutes we were thinking that they weren't coming back. We were about to leave when they popped their head out and said come on in we have room for two more. Talk about luck, we got to sit in the 6 row (or there abouts) and get a picture taken with Hilary Duff. Jacinda was so excited!!!!!!!!!
I hope you enjoy these photos, because were were also not suppose to take any at the concert but did anyway. I also just realized my camera is a bit messed up the pictures should say the 30th not the 29th(I must have it on am not pm)

Oh -- my -- god!!
That's amazing Jacinda!!
I put the photo of you and Hilary on my blog.
Did you get to talk to her at all? Was she nice? Details, details!!
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